Richard and Linda J. Eyre

Richard M. Eyre (born 1944)[1] is a consultant, speaker, and author of many books. He was also a candidate for the Republican nomination for Utah Governor in 1992.

Eyre and his wife Linda have written over a dozen books, many bestsellers. These include Teaching Your Children Values which was the first parenting book to make it to the position of #1 New York Times bestseller since Dr. Spock's book. Eyre's Spiritual Serendipity: Cultivating and Celebrating the Art of the Unexpected was published by Simon and Schuster in 1997.[2] Other books by Eyre include The Discovery of Joy (1974), Teaching Children Joy (1986), The Birth We Call Death with Paul H. Dunn, Life Before Life (2000) and How to Talk to Your Children About Sex with his wife, Linda J. Eyre. Besides writing these non-fiction works Eyre also wrote a novel entitled The Awakening.[3] The Eyre's recent book Empty Nesting Parenting: Adjusting Your Stewardship as Your Children Leave Home has been widely recommended as reading for parents of college students.[4][5][6]

Linda has also written several books on being a mother on her own or with other female authors.

Richard is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As a young man, Eyre served as a missionary in New York City.[7] He served as a mission president for the church in the England London South Mission. Baptisms spiked in the mission after the results of an opinion poll on parenthood conducted by Eyre were published in such publications as the London Evening Standard.[8]

Eyre wrote the Encyclopedia of Mormonism article on Joy.[9] He also wrote the section on the views of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in How Different Religions View Death and Afterlife: Second Edition Edited by Christopher Jay Johnson and Marsha McGee.[10]

During the Reagan administration, Eyre served as the director of the White House Conference on Parents and Children.[11] Eyre holds degrees from Utah State University and Brigham Young University and an MBA from Harvard.[12] Linda has a degree from Utah State University.

Eyre has also been a long-time advocate of schools of choice and voucher programs. He was a candidate for the governorship of Utah with this as one of his major campaign planks in 1992. Eyre won the support of the Republican State convention but lost to Mike Leavitt in the latter Republican primary.[13] Eyre has since been a major supporter of vouchers, and was one of the key speakers for the voucher proposition on Utah's 2007 ballot.[14]

Richard and Linda have hosted the program Families Are Forever on the VISN Network.[15] They have 9 children, and have lived in both Washington, DC and Salt Lake City.

The Eyres also serve as board members of CHOICE humanitarian and have been involved in projects to bring wells to villages in such countries as Bolivia.[16]

Linda has also served as a member of the Utah State University board of trustees.[17]


  1. ^ Birth year is from one an entry in the United States Copyright Office catalog. See: "Life before life : origins of the soul ... knowing where you came from and...". United States Copyright Office catalog. Retrieved 2009-06-08. 
  2. ^ Ageless Learner Bookstore
  3. ^ Mormon Literature Database - Eyre, Richard M
  4. ^ Lake Superior State University :: Admissions :: Books and Guides
  5. ^ Understanding Your Student: Parents: Dean of Students Office
  6. ^
  7. ^ Contributors to How Different Religions View Death and Afterlife, 2nd Ed
  8. ^ Ensign, August 1977, p. 75
  9. ^ Selection for the Encyclopedia of Mormonism: Jesus Christ and His Gospels, p. 310-311
  10. ^ How Different Religions View Dea
  11. ^ Meridian Magazine :: Meridian Family Value Archive: The Meridian Family Value of the Month
  12. ^ Harvard Alumni Association Club of Utah - Officers
  13. ^
  14. ^ Benson, Lee (October 21, 2007). "Yay or nay to vouchers? I vote ...". Deseret Morning News.,5143,695220518,00.html. Retrieved 2009-06-08. 
  15. ^ LDS Church News, December 18th, 1993
  16. ^ Genessy, Jody (January 19, 1999). "East High hoopster enjoys a watered-down vacation". Deseret News. Retrieved 2009-06-08. 
  17. ^ 2002-2004 USU board of trustees


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